Wednesday, 12 February 2025, 4:25 AM
Site: cafrsacademy Grupo CAF
Course: cafrsacademy Grupo CAF (cafrsacademy)
Glossary: General Concepts Glossary
M-T-MMotor-Trailer-Motor. |
MAGIt is the acronym of Metal Activ Gas. |
MatrixIs a tool that shows the versatility of a team of people in the performance of the tasks in the function of the level of knowledge |
Matrix or adjustmentIt is the adjust that we have to realize in the tool depending the types of terminal that we are going to work with. |
MIGIt is the acronym of Metal Inert Gas. |
MilestoneInvoicing milestone |
MKBFAcrónimo de ingles: "Mean Distance Between Failures" |
MKSBFMean Distance Between Service Failures |
MMAWIt is the acronym of Metal Manual Arc Welding. |
MPMain Pipe |