General Concepts Glossary
Special | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | ALL
A |
ACIt is the acronym of Alternate Current. |
ACRIs the spanish acronym of Acumulador de Carga Rápida. Rapid charge accumulator. |
ADDAutomatic Dropping Device |
AGTUAir Generation and Treatment Unit |
AIPAcceptable Index of Precursors |
Ancillary sectionsInclude the expenses for support staff (structure) and expenses not directly payable between projects are recorded. |
ANSEuropean National Security Authorities |
APSAuxiliary Power Supply |
ARRAutomatic Run Registration |
ASFAIt is the acronym in Spanish of Anuncio de Señales y Freno Automático. Signal announcement and automatic brake. |
ATOIt is the acronym of Automatic Train Operation. |
ATPIt is the acronym of Automatic Train Protection. |
Automatic entriesCannot be entered manually, rather a specific BAAN module must be used to record them. This module is different in every case and an automatic entry is generated when the task finishes. |
B |
BAANIt is the ERP of CAF Group |
BAFOBest and Final Offer |
BBDDMaintenance Costs of Modification Request |
BBTBenefit Before Taxes |
BCUIs the acronym of Brake Control Unit. |
BITRACCAF has designed the Bitrac locomotive line, a range of electric and diesel-electric traction locomotives that meets the most demanding requirements in terms of performance, reliability and avaliability. |
BMSBusiness Management System |
BPBrake Pipe |
BRAVAIs the acronym from spanish of Bogie de Rodadura de Ancho Variable Autopropulsado. Variable Width selp-propelled Bogie. |
C |
CACorrective Action |
CAF RS AcademyA training tool for all employees of CAF Rail Services |
CannibalismWorks that involve borrowing one part from a train to correct a failure in another one. |
CAUUser Support Center |
CBMAcronym of Condition Based Maintenance |
CCMCompany in Charge of Maintenance |
CCNCodes used fo the cost breakdown of a project. Every project has a group of CCNs call "Template". |
CCTVIt is the acronym of Closed Circuit TeleVision. |
CCUCentral Control Unit |
CIVITYCivity is the family of trains developed by CAF for commuter and regional services. Its modularity, which is reflected both in the exterior and in the interior of the train, allows it to adapt precisely to the needs of operators and passengers, offering high levels of comfort. |
Clin KeyYear and month of invoicing with the letters in alphabetical order, for example 2005A (for May 2020). |
ClinsNeeded for invoicing from a project, corresponds to the lines of the invoice. As many clins need to be created as there are lines on the invoice. |
ConductorElement that allows the path of the electricity through its mass |
Corporate accountThe account where all collections will be received. This is the main account with which all supllier invoices will be paid. Payments are managed centrally from the financial department in Madrid. |
COSMOSIt is the CAF version of TCN (Train Communication Network). |
CrimpingConsist in placing the pin or terminal on the electrical conductors |
CSMCommon Safety Method |
Customer advanceAmount of money given to us by a client for future purchases or services. |
D |
DataspyA Dataspy is a named, predefined view of a list of records or set of data that can be used on any page, lookup, or data area that contains that same list of records. A Dataspy consists of the following four basic components: Filter (contains the conditional statements that make up a filter), sort (specifies the order in which the records should be sorted, layout (specifies the fields that sould be displayed in the list) and advanced (for advanced settings). |
DCIt is the acronym of Direct Current. |
DDPDelivery Duty Paid. |
Definition of routes/Campaigns-ModificationsA route is a list of equipment that may be associated with a work order as an indication of the scope of work to be performed. Several pieces of equipment that are serviced together often follow a particular route. |
Degree of ProgressLinearises the totality of the results of a project. This is used when the expenses and income do not coincide in time to show a faithful image of a project's economic progress. |
Direct / Indirect sectionsInclude staff expenses for the workforce that works on specific projects and do not correspond to the structure of the subsidiary. The staff assigned to the direct sections impute hours and the staff related with the indirect sections do not impute hours. The rubrics related with staff expenses are used. The rest of the expenses are imputed directly to the project. |
DMUAcronym of Diesel Multiple Unit |
E |
EBTEarning Before Taxes |
ECCMEuropean Common Criteria for Maintenance |
ECOEngineering Change Order |
ECSExternal Consultant Service |
EFAEFundamental Equipment of External Supplier |
ENDNon Destructive Essays |
EP-CompactElectro Pneumatic Control Compact |
ERAEuropean Railway Agency |
ERFAEuropean Rail Freight Association |
ERPEnterprise Resource Planning |
ERTMSIt is the acronym of European Railway Traffic Management System. |
ETDElectronic Timetable Display |
F |
FATAcronym of "Factory Acceptance Test" |
FCCPurchase invoice register. This references invoices associated with a GMAO order integrated into BAAN. It is only used when the orders are integrated. |
FDRFinal Design Review |
Feedback CatalogueMaintenance requirements based on experiences from previous projects |
FIFOFirst In First Out |
FMEAFailure Mode and Effect Analysis |
FTAFault Tree Analysis |
FUPFollowing Up Projects |
G |
General SpecificationCustomer needs for the offer |
GMAOComputer Assisted Maintenance Management |
GSMRGlobal System for Mobile Communications |
H |
HANDICAPDisadvantage relative to others |
HMIIt is the Acronym of Human Machine Interface. |
HSCBHigh Speed Circuit Breaker |
HVHigh Voltage |
HVACIt is the Acronym of Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning. |
I |
INNEOInneo is the range of meters of CAF, al equipped with the lates technological advances in terms of safety, performance and comfort. |
InsulationElement that does not allow the path of the electricity |
Integrated orders BAANOrders are managed in GMAO and after the service or materials are received in GMAO, an expense entry is automatically made for invoices receivable in BAAN. |
Integration BAANAutomatic generation of a movement in BAAN after having been executed in GMAO. |
IoTInternet of Things |
J |
JSGJoint Sector Group |
K |
KITIt is the acronym of Knowledge Improvement Team |
KNOW - HOWPractival knowledge, skill |
KPIKey Performance Indicator |
L |
LCCAcronym of Life Cycle Cost |
LHDLinear Heat Detect Cable |
LOW FLOORTo facilitate the access of passengers to the train, especially for people with reduced mobility, trains with a low floor have been designed, that is, the floor oh the train is practically at ground level. In the URBOS family, the equipment is installed on the roof of the train and depending on whether it carries tram or rail bogies, it can be obtained from 70% to 100% of the low floor. |
LRVAcronym of Light Rail Vehicle |
LZBIt is the Acronym in german of Jinien Zug Beeinflussung or train control lines. |
M |
M-R-M/M-T-MWe can find these acronyms in the different types of train composition manufactured by CAF. It tells us if the car is an engine ie it has traction or it is a trailer or trailer and therefore it is a towed car, without traction. M-T-M stands for Motor-Trailer-Motor. M-T-M means the same but with the acronym taken from English. Motor-Trailer-Motor. |
M-T-MMotor-Trailer-Motor. |
MAGIt is the acronym of Metal Activ Gas. |
MatrixIs a tool that shows the versatility of a team of people in the performance of the tasks in the function of the level of knowledge |
Matrix or adjustmentIt is the adjust that we have to realize in the tool depending the types of terminal that we are going to work with. |
MIGIt is the acronym of Metal Inert Gas. |
MilestoneInvoicing milestone |
MKBFAcrónimo de ingles: "Mean Distance Between Failures" |
MKSBFMean Distance Between Service Failures |
MMAWIt is the acronym of Metal Manual Arc Welding. |
MPMain Pipe |
MRModification Request |
MTBFMean Time Before Failures |
MTBSFMean Time Between Service Failures |
MTCMean Time Closure |
MTSMean Time Solution |
MTTRMean Time To Repair |
MVBMain Vehicle Bus |
N |
NCNon Conformity |
Non-integrated orders BAANNo GMAO receipt is automatically recorded in BAAN via integration. Orders remain in GMAO and only the associated invoice is recorded in BAAN. |
NTPNotice to Proceed |
O |
OARISOaris is a family of very high speed trains capable of reaching 350km/h. Designed with CAF´s own technology, with maximum reliability, it incorporates the most avant-garde advances in design, accesibility, safety and comfort. |
OBObservation |
OBITOn Board Information Technology |
OHSAcronym of Occupational Health and Safety |
Operating accountThe account where all operating payments are recorded, the ones without an associated invoice. Payroll, taxes... Payments are managed locally and are approved by the director of the subsidiary. |
OSHAS-18001The OSHAS 18001 standard establishes the minimum requirements of the best practives in Occupational Safety and Health management. |
OTIFOn Time In Full |
P |
PAS/PA Passenger Alarma System/Public Address |
PDRPreliminary Design Review |
PinType of terminal |
PIRPurchase Invoice Register. This references invoice that do not have an order integrated. |
PISIt is the acronym of Passenger Information System. |
PMRIt is the acronym of Person of Reduced Mobility. |
Post tax extra charge/discount Amount in which you receive the part to stock. The system automatically populates the UOM. |
PPEIt is the acronym of Personal Protection Equipment. |
Pre tax extra charge/discountDiscount is applied before taxes. |
Primary ImputationAt a first level, failure responsible entity. This definition excludes EFAES, since they are CAF responsibility. |
PRMAcronym of Person of Reduced Mobility |
PTTPush To Talk |
Purchase Qty. (UOP) Amount and UOP in which the supplier provides the part. |
Q |
QMSIt is the acronym of "Quality Management System" |
R |
Request for quotations (RFQs)Requests for quotations (RFQs) are records of parts / services that are presented to suppliers to request prices. |
Requested Qty. (UOM) Amount in which you receive the part to stock. The system automatically populates the UOM. |
RequisitionCreate requisitions on the Requisition form to request materials or services from outside vendors. |
Responsible UserMember of the organization that has assigned a team in CAF RS Academy in which there are Technicians and Team Leaders |
ROWRest Of the Worl |
RPNRisk Priority Number |
RubricsCodes used for the cost breakdown of the sections. There is a rubric for expenses of every nature. |
S |
SABOASafety Board |
Sales deferralsUsed to spread the economic impact of a specific operation during the life cycle of the project. |
SATAcronym of "Site Acceptance Test" |
SCHARFEMBERGIt is the most common type of hitch of all types of automatic hooks. |
SDIAGAdvanced Diagnosis Unit |
SDPIIt is the acronym from spanish of Sistema de Detección y Protección contra Incendios. Detection and protection System against fires. |
Secondary imputationFailure responsibility at a second level. |
SGOFOffers Management System |
SIBIIs the acronym ofrom spanish of Sistema de Basculación Interactiva. Interactive Tilting System. |
SIVAcronym of Traveler Information System |
Skills FrameworkThe set of competencies included in each frame |
SMSSafety Management System |
SNCBNational Society of the Belgian Railways |
SOGManagement Operating System |
SOLDIInternal Development Request |
Sub - projectBreakdown of the project into different typologies. |
T |
TASK FORCETemporary working group |
TBDTo Be defined |
TCMS Train Control and Monitoring system |
TCNIt is the acronym of Train Communication Network. |
TerminalThe head or the end of a route |
TIGIt is the acronism of Tugsten Inert Gas. |
Time Integration BAANIntegration of the register of hours worked by the employees, which are imputed to a specific project. The hours imputed in GMAO are passed on to BAAN projects. |
TMCAverage Closing Time |
TMSAverage Solution Time |
Translatable costsAccording to initial conditions of the contract, if the cost has to be carry forward to the supplier. By default, the system will show “YES”. |
U |
UIPInternational Union of Wagon Keepers |
UIRRInternational Union for Road Rail Combined Transport |
UNIFEEuropean Rail Industry |
URBOSThe Urbos family includes trams, light railways and train-trams, all of them innovative and of high quality, specially designed3 to offer the end user a unique travel experience. |
V |
VCBIt is the acronym of Vaccum Circuit Braker. |
VCUIt is the acronym of Vehicle Control Unit. |
W |
WCWater Closet |
WRWarranty Report |
WSPIt is the acronym of Wheel Slide Protection. |