General Concepts Glossary
Catalog of words commonly used in the activity of CAF Rail Services, arranged in alphabetical order, along with their meaning or any comments that are shown in the courses launched on the CAF RS Academy platform and which is continuously updated with the incorporation of new content.
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Special | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | ALL
T |
TASK FORCETemporary working group |
TBDTo Be defined |
TCMS Train Control and Monitoring system |
TCNIt is the acronym of Train Communication Network. |
TerminalThe head or the end of a route |
TIGIt is the acronism of Tugsten Inert Gas. |
Time Integration BAANIntegration of the register of hours worked by the employees, which are imputed to a specific project. The hours imputed in GMAO are passed on to BAAN projects. |
TMCAverage Closing Time |
TMSAverage Solution Time |
Translatable costsAccording to initial conditions of the contract, if the cost has to be carry forward to the supplier. By default, the system will show “YES”. |